Cosmetic Influencers Turned Criminals

In a shocking turn of events that reads like a Hollywood thriller, two social media influencers have been caught in a tangled web of deceit, violence, and extortion. Catherine Colivas, 24, and Paris Kennedy, 22, used their charm and beauty to ensnare a Saudi Arabian royal in a nightmare abduction and robbery ordeal that left their victim traumatized and injured.

The Honey Trap

The story begins innocently enough, with a match on a dating app that quickly spiraled into a real-life horror movie. Colivas and Kennedy lured their victim with promises of drinks and dinner, only to ambush him with violence and threats once they had him in their clutches. The victim, a crypto currency trader, was forced to pay $40,000 in Bitcoin to secure his release after being bound, threatened with a knife, and robbed in his own home.

Avoiding Jail Time

Despite facing serious charges including kidnapping, extortion, and theft, Colivas and Kennedy managed to dodge jail time thanks to a community corrections order and a good behavior bond. Judge Nola Karapanagiotidis cited “exceptional circumstances” in their cases, pointing to their troubled upbringing, mental health issues, and the recent death of Colivas’ criminal brother as factors in her decision to spare them from prison.

A Story of Redemption?

While the court proceedings may have come to a close, the story of Catherine Colivas and Paris Kennedy is far from over. Both women have shown remorse for their actions and expressed a desire to turn their lives around. With a history of court appearances and legal troubles, the road to redemption may be long and difficult, but perhaps this brush with the law will be the wake-up call they need to leave their criminal past behind and start anew.

The tale of these two young women serves as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of online interactions and the consequences of using beauty and charm to manipulate others. As they walk free from court, one can only hope that they will use this second chance to make better choices and leave their criminal past behind them.