Jessica Barnes, a 20-year-old aspiring teacher from Pendleton, South Carolina, had her life drastically changed when she met Brandon Barnes, 21, and married him. Her family claimed that after discovering her husband having an affair, she disappeared. Brandon was later charged with her murder, while their roommates, Kendall Mims and Victoria Tippett, were accused of aiding him in concealing her death.

According to Troy Styles, who spoke on behalf of Jessica’s family, there were warning signs of abuse in her relationship with Brandon. Jessica’s family described her as a vibrant and creative person who had dreams and aspirations. She had met Brandon on Tinder and believed he was a Christian man who talked about God, giving her a sense of security. However, her family alleged that he was abusive and left her with bruises.

Despite her mother’s objections, Jessica moved in with Brandon, who was also married to Mims at the time of their relationship. Brandon and Mims had a child together, which Jessica discovered later on. The three of them lived together in a pool house on Brandon’s grandfather’s property, with Jessica staying home to care for Mims’ child while Brandon and the roommates worked.

After catching Brandon with Tippett, Jessica decided to leave the relationship. However, Brandon picked her up from her mother’s house and took her back to the pool house, where he allegedly strangled her to death on August 2. Mims and Tippett were said to have helped cover up the killing, sending text messages from Jessica’s phone to her family after her disappearance.

Jessica’s mother reported her missing on September 10, leading to the discovery of her body in a wooded area on September 20. Brandon, Mims, and Tippett confessed to the crime after being read their Miranda rights and are currently awaiting their court dates without bond. Jessica’s mother has started a fundraiser to seek justice for her daughter and be present at the court hearings.

The tragic story of Jessica Barnes serves as a reminder of the dangers of abusive relationships and the importance of recognizing warning signs. If you or someone you know is experiencing dating abuse, help is available. In the U.S., you can call 1-866-331-9474 or text “loveis” to 22522 for assistance from the National Dating Abuse Helpline. Let Jessica’s story be a call to action to speak out against domestic violence and support those in need.