Hospital bosses are facing accusations of being complicit in the attempted murder of a baby named Lucy by nurse Lucy Letby. The mother of Child N, the baby boy targeted by Letby, expressed her frustration at the lack of action taken by NHS authorities to prevent such incidents in health settings since the crimes of Beverley Allitt and Harold Shipman.

Letby injected Child N with air in the neonatal unit of the Countess of Chester Hospital, despite concerns raised by consultants about a possible link between increased mortality and Letby’s presence during several deaths. The mother of Child N believes that the hospital managers should be held accountable for failing to investigate whistleblowing allegations promptly, stating that their inaction makes them complicit in the harm caused.

The mother emphasized the importance of listening to concerns raised by healthcare professionals on the front lines and conducting thorough investigations to prevent similar tragedies. She also criticized the NHS for not taking effective measures to prevent harm to patients, citing previous cases like Harold Shipman and Beverley Allitt.

Child N’s father echoed similar sentiments, highlighting the need for proactive measures such as installing CCTV cameras in neonatal units to protect both babies and staff. He emphasized that listening to clinicians’ concerns and taking appropriate action can prevent harm and allegations of wrongdoing.

The parents of twins Child L and M, who were also targeted by Letby, criticized the hospital management for allowing the nurse to continue working despite concerns raised by consultants. They believed that earlier intervention could have prevented further harm to babies and spared families from grief.

Letby was ultimately convicted of murdering seven infants and attempting to murder seven others, leading to her serving 15 whole-life orders. The public inquiry into the case is ongoing, with findings expected to be published by late autumn 2025.

The testimonies of the affected families shed light on the importance of proactive management, thorough investigations, and accountability in healthcare settings to prevent similar tragedies in the future. It serves as a reminder of the critical role that hospital administrators play in ensuring patient safety and addressing concerns raised by healthcare professionals.